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Todd Reed Achieves Kentico Xperience Developer Recertification

In web development, staying ahead of the curve is no small feat. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce a milestone achieved by one of our own, Todd Reed, Solution Lead at BlueModus. Todd has recently earned his recertification as a Kentico Xperience Developer, solidifying his position as a leader in crafting outstanding digital experiences.

Kentico Xperience is a cutting-edge digital experience platform that enables developers to create websites, online stores, community sites, and intranets. Being certified in this platform is a badge of honor, indicating a developer’s ability to deliver high-quality, innovative online solutions.

Reflecting on this accomplishment, Todd Reed shared, “Achieving recertification wasn’t just a personal goal. It was a commitment to my team and our clients at BlueModus. Staying updated with the latest technologies ensures we always deliver the best solutions.”

Nick Bushnell, Development Director, also expressed his pride in Todd’s achievement, stating, “It’s colleagues like Todd who drive our success and set us apart in the industry. His dedication to mastering technologies enhances his skill set and elevates our entire team’s capability to tackle challenging projects and exceed client expectations.”

Todd’s journey to recertification involved study and hands-on projects that tested his skills in the latest web development technologies and strategies. Celebrating Todd’s success reminds us of the importance of continuous learning and development in our field.

Congratulations, Todd, on your recertification! Your hard work and dedication contribute to your personal growth and help BlueModus maintain its leadership in delivering exceptional digital experiences.